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​The PTSO also need help from parents, guardians, and teachers to make these programs run successfully. In addition to becoming a member of the PTSO, we hope that you will consider volunteering to help with the many opportunities/events we have throughout the year.


PTSO Board & Committees: Check the box for areas you are interested in helping out with. You may check multiple boxes.


Position Descriptions

PRESIDENT: shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors, and monthly PTSO meetings, shall perform such other duties as the Board by resolution may designate, and shall be member ex-officio of all committees. The President shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect.

1st VICE-PRESIDENT: Member of PTSO executive board. The First Vice President shall coordinate programs and administer activities of the Corporation. In the absence of the President, the First VP shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President and shall perform such other duties as the Board or President may designate. This position is expected to attend all monthly meetings.

2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Member of PTSO executive board. The Second Vice President shall act as an aide to the President. In the absence of the President and the First Vice President, He/She shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President and shall perform such other duties as the Board or President may designate. This position is expected to attend all monthly meetings.

TREASURER: Member of PTSO executive board. The Treasurer shall cause all moneys of the Corporation to be deposited in Federally insured accounts for the Corporation and disbursed as directed by resolution. The Treasurer shall keep proper books of account and prepare monthly financial statement and report at all schedule meetings of the Board of Directors and of the membership. The PTSO Treasurer is also the Treasurer for Project Graduation. In addition to attending the PTSO monthly meetings, the Treasurer will also be required to attend the once a month, every first Thursday of the month Project Graduation (PG) meetings (unless the meeting date falls on a holiday). Project Graduation is a committee within PTSO. Because of the organizing and planning involved leading up to the event, a separate meeting is required by the Project Graduation committee. The PG monthly meetings are usually an hour from 7pm - 8pm.

SECRETARY: Member of PTSO executive board. The Secretary shall be Secretary of the Board. The Secretary shall document and keep a record of all meetings and proceedings of the Corporation’s meetings and shall attend to all correspondence required for the administration

MEMBERSHIP: Coordinate Membership drive and maintain membership and volunteer database. Tasks: Aug: Develop Membership form (for paper and online use), Sep/Oct: Input/consolidate membership data and volunteer information into central repository. Coordinate with treasurer on dues and no frills checks. Early Nov: Email other volunteer coordinators with volunteer contact information for their tasks. Rest of School Year: Maintain any membership information updates.

The PROJECT GRAD chair will oversee the planning and organizing of this event, lead monthly meetings from September - June. He/she along with the other committee member volunteers will organize, plan and raise funds through yard sign sales, Project Grad ticket sales and other fundraising events. This position requires he/she attend the grad party from 11pm-4am.

PROJECT-GRAD CO-CHAIR: He/she must be able to attend the monthly meetings and shadow responsibilities with the current Chair. This position will also require that he/she attend the grad party from 11pm - 4am.

TEACHER REQUESTS CHAIR: Compile requests received from teachers and present to the board for approval. Correspond with teachers thru email on status of their request. Meet with PTSO treasurer once a month to approve checks and disburse to teachers. Majority of the requests come during the first quarter of school, and then it tapers down the rest of the year.

SAT/ACT Bootcamp & Sat Practice Test Chair: The chair will be a parent of a 9th or 10th grade student. Tasks: Communications with the 3 vendors, respond to parents questions, Facility reservation, Coordinate with the 3 vendors in scheduling practice test dates for fall, winter and spring. Most of the tasks for this role are done from home via emails.

SCHOLARSHIP CHAIR: is responsible for coordinating the PTSO scholarship application process from January - May 2025. He/she will work with the scholarship application review volunteers in mid-April 2025 in selecting the up to 10 recipients. He/she cannot be a parent of a Senior. This chair position is required to attend the PTSO meetings, especially from January-May.

SCHOLARSHIP REVIEW COMMITTEE NEEDED FOR CLASS OF 2025: The scholarship chair will need at least 5-7 parents to review the senior scholarship applications. This task is usually done in mid- April when all of the scholarship applications have been turned in. The parent volunteers to review the applications cannot have a student from class of 2025

HOSPITALITY: The PTSO Hospitality Committee organizes and coordinates events for Teacher and Staff Members to reflect how much they are valued, and we support various Student Recognition events throughout the year. Events include Back to School Teacher Breakfast and Dessert Social in August, Back to School Night Pizza dinner for staff in September, Teacher Workdays breakfast or lunch, Teacher and Staff Holiday Treats in December, Teacher Appreciation Week in May, NHS Induction treats for students and families, World Languages Induction, and various Student Award Ceremonies. There are typically one to two events per month. We work closely with the Principal and Staff to identify needs and coordinate these events. Most events are supported by our school community through the online tool Perfect Potluck to request donations for food, drinks, and volunteers.

MSAAC Chair: The Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC) representative attends monthly meetings held at the LCPS Administration Building and reports back to the PTSO key points of discussion from the meetings.

SEAC (Special Education Advisory Committee) Representative: Attend monthly SEAC meetings held at the LCPS Administration Building and reports back to the PTSO key points of discussion from the meetings.

L.E.A.F. Representative: The Loudoun Education Alliance of Families (LEAF) is an advisory group voice for parents to elevate educational concerns and provide feedback to the board on current or proposed policies or issues facing the School Board. Attend monthly meetings held during the school year at the LCPS Administration Building. Report back to the PTSO key points of discussion from the meetings.

Web/Communications: Responsible for maintaining the PTSO website and updating the content as needed. In addition, the webmaster maintains content on all social media platforms.

© Copyright 2024-25 Broad Run High School Student-Parent-Teacher Organization 

BRHS PTSO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization EIN: 47-2520596

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